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Are you tired of the constant battle with chronic digestive issues like constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating, and reflux?

Do you find yourself constantly worrying about what foods might trigger your symptoms, missing out on events and experiences, and feeling like your quality of life is being impacted by your digestive issues?

Then it's time to take action and transform your gut health for good. Say goodbye to digestive dysfunction and hello to a healthier, happier, and more vibrant version of you!

It's time for a Total Gut Reset!


Overcoming chronic digestive dysfunction can feel hard.

If you're like most of my clients, you're no stranger to the frustration, anxiety, and overwhelm that often accompany gut issues. You may be questioning whether there's hope for a better future.

 Sound familiar?

  • You're tired of living with persistent digestive symptoms, enduring bloating, gas, cramps, diarrhea, or constipation.
  • Your life seems dictated by bathroom habits, and the fear of unexpected digestive troubles is ever-present.
  • The uncertainty of which foods to eat to feel better has you afraid of meals.
  • Embarrassing digestive symptoms hold you back from fully engaging in life.
  • Despite trying numerous strategies like elimination diets, supplements, and medications, nothing seems to provide lasting relief.

Here's the truth: It's NOT your fault!

The real issue? Attempting to follow a one-size-fits-all digestive healing plan that isn't tailored to YOU!"

Gut Reset Program

 A life without gut symptoms is possible.

It's time to shed the "stuck mindset" and embark on your journey to reset your gut health. And here's what's in store for you when you take action:
  • You'll confidently identify which foods trigger your symptoms.

  • Targeted strategies will improve your bathroom habits quickly.

  • Hope will replace the feeling that this is your forever reality, and your gut can return to normal.

  • You'll dine at restaurants or enjoy family gatherings without digestive issues ruining the day.

  • You'll heal your gut, regain your energy, and reclaim your life!

Ready to be symptom-free?


Kickstart your journey today!

Ready to be symptom-free?

You don't have to live this way.  Gain the knowledge, skills, and freedom you need to take charge of your digestive health and start living your best life.


What my clients are saying...


Man oh man! I literally had anxiety everyday, multiple times a day, around food, eating, being in restaurants, and the fear around what happens with my body post-eating. I had tried a vegetarian diet, I cooked very clean, I exercised "properly," I didn’t drink alcohol, I thought I was doing everything I could to make my gut and mind body connection feel better.


I’m physically stronger than I’ve ever been. I recover better around both endurance and weight training. My energy throughout the day does not fluctuate, my brain fog does not come up at all anymore. And my nausea and stomach pain have completely vanished, I never use a heating pad after eating anymore.


Kari is one of the greatest advocates for gut health, the mind and body connection and just pure confidence and self-love around yourself and food. She is very empathetic and a great listener, and puts a smile on your face around a very hard subject. She’s a great collaborator with anything you come to her with, any ideas or concerns, she’s incredibly open to truly working WITH you.

Meet Your Dietitian

Hi, I’m Kari!

I help people who struggle with digestive dysfunction discover the root cause of their gut issues so that they can confidently take charge of their health, heal their gut, and live symptom-free.

I’m a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and Integrative and Functional Nutrition Certified Practitioner with over 21 years of experience serving people and equipping them with the tools and knowledge they need to take charge of their health.

I have helped thousands of people with gut issues uncover the root causes of their symptoms and learn how to heal using evidenced-based and comprehensive strategies to optimize and personalize their diet and lifestyle.  

I am passionate about educating people on how to use food as medicine to heal & nourish their bodies and to promote vitality and energy.  

I can’t WAIT to share this gut and life-transforming information with you too!

-Kari Natwick, RDN, LD, IFNCP, CGN

Imagine your life FREE from Digestive Issues...

What if you could... without bloating, abdominal pain, gas, diarrhea, and constipation.

...experience normal bowel movements.

...delight in holidays and family gatherings without constantly running to the bathroom.

...understand which foods trigger your symptoms and eat with confidence.

...know how to optimize digestion at mealtimes.

...rediscover your energy, especially for the things that truly matter.


...have the guidance of an integrative and functional registered dietitian with specialized training in digestive issues, and a track record of helping countless individuals live without gut issues and reclaim their lives!

All of this is within your reach!

The Total Gut Reset if your pathway to restoring your gut, eating with confidence, and taking control of your digestive well-being!




Discover the 5 Steps to Transform Your Gut Health


Discover the root causes of your digestive issues by using functional stool testing and professionally guided symptom analysis. Learn to listen to your body and trust that it knows what it needs to feel better.


Discover how to optimize your digestion to reduce symptoms and improve nutrient absorption. Learn to incorporate a diverse range of gut-healing foods into your diet, so that you'll not only replenish your body but also develop a newfound sense of confidence and enjoyment when it comes to food.


Discover how to alleviate stress, eliminate trigger foods, and eradicate harmful bacteria that are contributing to your gut symptoms, while supporting your body's natural detoxification systems.


Discover how to use a combination of food, nutrients, and supplements to nourish and support your gut, promoting the rebuilding of your gut lining and reducing inflammation.


Use targeted prebiotic and probiotic-rich foods and supplements to rebuild the terrain of your gut, so it can stay healthy for good.

What you'll learn in six months...

Here’s what’s included when you join us:

  • 2 personalized sessions, on average, with Registered Dietitian Nutritionist & gut expert, Kari Natwick ($4800 VALUE)

  • Functional Stool Testing – GI Map ($550 value)
  • HTMA (Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis) testing ($125 value)
  • Customized Nutrition, Supplement, and Lifestyle Protocol (supplement cost not included)
  • Recorded video modules covering everything you need to know about nutrition, dealing with symptoms, stress management strategies, gut repair, and detoxification. ($1250 VALUE)
  • Printable handouts, guides, including recipes, meals plans, and actionable tools that teach you how to repair your gut and reduce digestive symptoms ($500 VALUE)

  • Access to a full catalog of professional-grade supplements with a lifelong 15% discount ($500-1500 VALUE)

  • Access to Living Plate Rx Meal Planning Software ($400 VALUE)

Total Program Value: $9,000


I was having stomach issues on a daily basis. Pain, mega bloating, sometimes constipation, other times diarrhea, blood in my stools. It was effecting every part of my life, work, friendships, relationships. My doctor told me I probably had IBS and gave me a prescription but it didn't address the problem, so I started Kari, desperate to find out what was really at the heart of the issues.


There are so many tangible results! Reduced bloating! I can wear pants again. Control over what I eat and how I feel! We got rid of the parasites I had and I've gained back 5 healthy lbs. I don't feel the need to eat all the time.


Discovering the issues that were causing me so much pain. I was so afraid that my stool sample results were going to be "normal" or "inconclusive" and that I would be told it was all in my head. I cried tears of joy when I found out I had parasites and a gluten allergy. For me it was so self-assuring to know my issues were physical. I was worried that I had lost my ability to handle stress in my life and my issues were more emotional.

Join the Total Gut Reset Program 

Insurance reimbursement available


Not sure if this program is a good fit for you?

I'm here to help. Let's set up a call to chat about your unique health needs and how the 6-month Total Gut Reset can help you get your gut back on track!

Book a Complimentary Call


  • You’ve been diagnosed with IBS, SIBO, IBD, or GERD.

  • You haven't been diagnosed but suffer from persistent diarrhea, constipation, bloating, and gas.
  • You've given elimination diets a try but didn't see the results you were hoping for.  Or worse, now you're more confused than ever!

  • You feel overwhelmed by where to start with your food choice.

     You’ve been tested for food sensitivities, but you still have symptoms

  • You’ve spent tons of money on supplements, with no results

  • You've been on an elimination diet for longer than 3 months

This is for you if...

  • You’re not open to making changes to your diet

  • You’re not ready to invest a moderate amount of time planning meals and preparing food each week

  • You’re not willing to give feedback about your experience as part of this new and exciting program.

  • You have a history of an eating disorder


Not sure if this is the program for you?

Click here to schedule a free 45-minute Discovery Call.

I'm here to support your journey to a symptom-free life, free from digestive dysfunction

I'm here to support your journey to a symptom-free life, free from the grip of digestive dysfunction.

As a gut health expert and a registered dietitian (RD), I am deeply passionate about helping individuals heal from their digestive disorders. Nothing brings me more joy than witnessing people transition from the daily burden of digestive symptoms, along with the pain and frustration that accompanies them, to a place of wholeness, well-being, and joy.

Many who live with digestive disorders also battle anxiety, depression, and brain fog. That's why I am dedicated to helping people uncover the vital connection between their mind and their gut, known as the gut-brain-axis, as an essential aspect of their gut healing journey.

My mission involves guiding individuals to discover their unique path to healing. There's no one-size-fits-all solution to healthcare, dietary choices, or overall well-being.

In contrast to other digestive health experts, I believe that treating digestive disorders should be integrative, and to achieve this, we must connect the gut, the brain, and the heart. This connection is forged by healing the gut, fostering self-awareness, tending to our thoughts, and attuning to our bodies.

The truth is, this process of connecting these aspects of ourselves to find food freedom, relief from symptoms, and comfort in our bodies can be overwhelming. That's why I'm thrilled to create a space where you can experience healing, empowerment, and, ultimately, joy.

Let's embark on this journey TOGETHER!

Your friend and coach, Kari Natwick, RDN, LD, IFNCP, CGN

Are you ready to finally heal your gut, eat without fear, and take charge of your health?